5 Ways To Keep Your Home Secure This Summer

During the summer, it's common to be away from home more often because you are on a business trip or just enjoying the nice weather outside your home. When you are away from your home, it may be at a greater risk of someone breaking into it. Luckily, there are steps you can take to protect your home. Install an Alarm That Includes Cellular Monitors Install an alarm system that is not connected to your power grid. Read More 

Top Reasons To Have A Home Security System Installed

If you have recently thought about having a home security system installed but were not sure if it was the right decision for you, you will want to keep reading. Review the following reasons why getting one of the best home security systems out there would be one of the best things you can do for your family and home. Alarms Will Sound The Moment A Trespasser Enters You want for you and your family to be awoken in the night should someone gain entrance to your home. Read More 

Moved Into An Apartment Recently? Security Steps To Take

When you have moved into a rental apartment, you may think that the security the apartment comes with is all that you get. But when you move into a very basic apartment complex or one that does not even have secure entry, you may find yourself wondering if you can do anything to improve the security of your apartment. Luckily, there are steps that you can and should take to make your apartment more safe and secure. Read More 

Looking For Home Security On A Budget? Prioritize Cameras With Certain Features

Protecting the people and possessions inside your home should be a top priority as a homeowner. All homes have some measures in place to prevent break-ins, such as door locks and deadbolt locks. Garages often require a device to open, and then you still must get through a locked door to get in the home. It is not always easy or inexpensive to upgrade your home with the latest security features. Read More 

3 Smoke Detector Maintenance Tips to Help Keep Your Family Safe

Every home needs a working fire alarm/smoke detector. But that smoke detector isn't going to do you a bit of good if you don't periodically check to make sure that it is still in working condition. If you only notice that there is an issue with your fire alarm after there is an actual fire, it may be tragically too late to do anything about it. Here are three maintenance tips you should follow on a regular basis to ensure that your smoke detector will keep your family safe for many years to come. Read More